Now that the Thomas de Hartmann Project CDs have been made available to the public, we are engaged in recording and also seeking performance opportunities for the orchestral works. Efrem Marder, a long-time project team member, is leading this initiative.
As a first step, in September 2021, a festival of three concerts, Thomas de Hartmann in Ukraine- a Forgotten Master, was organized in Lviv Ukraine, in collaboration with the conductor Theodore Kuchar and the Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine. During that time, studio recordings for three CDs were completed.
The first was released February 2022 on Toccata Classics.
The second recording is slated for release by Nimbus Alliance June 2022 and features Elan Sicroff playing de Hartmann’s Piano concerto, Op. 66 with guest conductor Tian Hui Ng.
The third recording from Lviv includes the Bass concerto, Op. 65 and the grand (66 min) Symphonie-Poeme No.1 and will likely be released in Q4 2022.
Additionally, in 2022 Joshua Bell plans to record the Violin concerto Op. 66, and Matt Haimovitz will perform and record the Cello concerto Op. 57 on May 22, 2022 in Leipzig Germany with the MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Dennis Russell Davies.
The overall plan calls for three orchestral CDs to be released in 2022 and three more in 2023, with additional performance opportunities emerging as well.